The Godly Dragon's Mission
This is a ministry unlike many others. What started as just a Christian YouTube channel with the titular fire-breathing mascot would eventually become a big online ministry that reaches out to many people on many social media platforms. We have endured criticism from both sides. Not just from non-Christian people who think this idea is absurd, but also from religious zealots who call me a Bible compromiser for having a dragon for a mascot. Nothing could be further from the truth. I take the Bible seriously, and I make all sorts of videos, from educational Christian apologetics to just clean and fun videos about movies and video games.
Many think all dragons are evil because of the one dragon (Satan) in the book of Revelation. But I see dragons as a creature that God created, and God said that his creation was good. Serpents and wolves have also been treated similarly. I see the dragon as a symbol of setting fire to ungodly ideas as well as legalistic hypocrisy. I want to show people the Gospel truth, but I also want people to realize that being a Christian doesn’t mean doing away with creativity and fun. I want to be godly, but also cool. If people like what they see, they can hear Gospel stuff when they get to know me much better as well. This is how I evangelize.
No matter who criticizes me, whether it’s the world or other Christians, I do not intend to stop doing what I am doing, as long as I can see that it is helping others and that people are enjoying it. God bless, and I hope you all continue to enjoy The Godly Dragon!